( International Association of Pastel Societies )
The International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) was founded in 1994 as a non-profit organization representing pastel societies worldwide uniting in the common cause to demonstrate the validity and quality of pastel fine art. This coming together of pastel societies provides a strong voice for pastel artists and the luminous medium of pastel. The foundation of IAPS is based on networking and sharing. Individual artists benefit and expand their knowledge through the IAPS Member Society of their choice.
As a member of the Pastel Artists of NZ we are eligible to enter this International Exhibition. Each year there is a web show and a physical exhibition. Just to be accepted out of 1000's of entries worldwide is an honour.
The IAPS Master Circle was created to honor those artists whose work has been accepted and/or given awards in specific IAPS Exhibitions.
To receive the Master Circle designation, artists must accrue five (5) points.
One point for acceptance into any IAPS Juried Exhibition no matter the number of paintings accepted.
One point for any award given by the judge in any IAPS Juried Exhibition
To achieve Eminent Pastelist you must accrue another 10 points for a total of 15
As a member of the Pastel Artists of NZ we are eligible to enter this International Exhibition. Each year there is a web show and a physical exhibition. Just to be accepted out of 1000's of entries worldwide is an honour.
The IAPS Master Circle was created to honor those artists whose work has been accepted and/or given awards in specific IAPS Exhibitions.
To receive the Master Circle designation, artists must accrue five (5) points.
One point for acceptance into any IAPS Juried Exhibition no matter the number of paintings accepted.
One point for any award given by the judge in any IAPS Juried Exhibition
To achieve Eminent Pastelist you must accrue another 10 points for a total of 15
Julie Freeman, Michael Freeman and NIcola Reif have all achieved Master Circle Status
in IAPS ( International Assn of Pastel Societies )
in IAPS ( International Assn of Pastel Societies )